**Nilsyla Privacy Policy**

Nilsyla takes your data privacy very seriously. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your data when you use our applications and website.

**Data Collection**

Nilsyla does not collect any personal or sensitive data through its mobile applications or website. Our applications do not require access to your personal data such as contacts, location, or files.


No cookies are used on our website or in our applications.

**Data Sharing**

Nilsyla does not share any user data with third parties. We use services such as Google Play solely for hosting our applications, but these services do not collect personal data within this context.

**Data Security**

Although we do not collect any user data, we ensure that our applications are secure and free of vulnerabilities that could compromise your personal information.


For any questions regarding this privacy policy or your data, you can contact us at: nilsyla@nilsyla.com.